Course Details - EDU 4053 Sec 01 - Disciplinary Reading & Writing

Dr. Doris Metz;
Instruction Mode:
In Person
TR :00:00. to :15:00. - WH 316
Maximum Enrollment:
Current Enrollment:
Lab Fee:
This course prepares candidates to teach the advanced literacy skills necessary for academic success in the content subject areas associated with the upper elementary grades and beyond. A focus on the skills, strategies, practices and processes of vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension, as well as advanced writing skills will be developed. Organizing for instruction, meeting the special needs of learners, and connecting with reading, writing, speaking and listening to the content subject areas will be addressed. This course is required of elementary education majors and highly recommended to secondary education minors. Candidates not enrolled in Internship I will be placed in a public school classroom (grades 3-6 for elementary education majors/grades 7-12 for secondary education minors) for a 10 hour field placement where they will be required to assist the mentor teacher, work with students who have a demonstrated reading difficulty, reflect upon the experience, and complete required assignments.

Textbook information is not available for this course.